Jul 3, 2010

July..starting of new thing??

It's been half year already for 2010. Toooooooooooo many thing has happened in 2009, my struggeling in final sem, convocation, got my 1st job, crash a complicated life, full of love and heartbroken, celebrating birthday alone in the office [what a sucks life!!], change of lifestyle. All happened in one year. Believe it!! 2009 is disaster!! It change all..

And 2010?? Hope it start of new thing. Learning new thing, new people, new relationship. Wish I can tell how I feel very pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed releasing all in 2009.

Now it's July already. Half year of 2010. I've pass half year. But yet I'm still 23. Haha. Hope the 2nd half will be better than the 1st half. Really hope!

p/s: Ade tak azam tgh tahun?? Huhu. n 1 more..hope this 2nd half, I can get a better life..new life..maybe? :)

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