May 24, 2010

Bounty Hunter

Post hari ni, pasal Bounty Hunter. Let the ex-games begins. Cite ni best!! Warghkahkah. Nape ntah aku gelak. Cite pasal journey ex-husband n wife. And along their journey, diorg figure out yang diorg saling memahami, cume masing2 ego je. Best3! Sangat suke comedy-romantic camni.

Milo ni lucky bile ex-bini dia ade kt sisi dia je. Bile ex-bini dia takde, memang teruk tul la dia. Tapi, haha..yang klaka tu.. dia pny luck, dia mmg senang cari ex-wife dia. Da terlepas pn..slumber je dia leh jmp lik. Movie leh la cakap kn..real life?? Dream on.

Gerard Butler ni tak nsem kan..tapi dia ade cute n smart dia. Hahaha. Siot je aku tulis camni. Jennifer Anniston takyah ckp la..mmg lawa pn. Aku penat sebenarnye semalam, tapi cite ni best, rase cam sekejap je. Rase cam..jgn la abes lg..betul ke sebab cite ni..(_ _!)

Life is about making mistakes..

..and death is about wanna make it more. Haha

Kadang2 kite tak sedar pun yang kite sebenarnye serasi bersama, bile kite asyik pandang -ve side je.

Purata, aku bg 4.5/5. Sesape tak puas hati, skati aku la. Aku yang wat review kan.

P/s: Suddenly think of sumtin'. If I got new job, I'll reward myself a rollerblade..269!! How's that sounds? Hehe

1 684 org tengah mintak lolipop:

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun