Apr 20, 2010

the birth..(sounds of thunderstorm appeared!!)

Let begin with the birth of WTB..(sounds of thunderstorm again!)

Pregnancy period

Since WSW..I can't really remember how many month..but because of waiting for the white one..the pregnancy period became longer..(phew!!it's hard to get what we want).Then I agreed to consider the grey one..and my last choice is black. No other colour will be accepted!! During pregnancy period, I've given the grey colour as choices but of course, I refused. Until..(sounds of thunderstorm)

The birth
At last..18th Sept 2009..I got my 1st baby..I still remember that time..it was heavy raining.. My plan to take pic while En.Din (the ZidNi Sdn. Bhd owner) pass the key to me was all ruin.huhu.I drive the car to nearest petrol station, then go to my fren's house at Bangi to collect biskut raya that I booked. I reach home right after azan Maghrib n found out that my baju raya not yet done! But it's fine..coz I got my baby for raya!! Hehe. Right after break our fast, we balik kg with my new baby..that's the only remedy for my disaster raya..

P/s: Fuhh..tak psl2 je aku selongkar file2 aku tuk cari maklumat WTB ni..last2 terjumpe sijil2 yg dah disah kn..\(^-^)/

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